Monday, May 31, 2010

Interview with Ujyalo 90 Network FM Radio

Kathmandu. On the occasion of 2554th Buddha Jayanti, Kapilvastu Day Movement SAARC Coordinator Mr. Raj Shrestha was invited for an interview. He was interviewed by Mrs. Sylvia Razopadhyaya of Lahana Program in Nepal Bhasa of Ujyalo 90 Network FM radio. In the interview, Mr. Shrestha explained
1. the purpose of organizing Kapilvastu Day Movement,
2. importance of the day 1st December in the movement,
3. how the movement is being celebrated in different parts of the world,
4. use of internet technology,
5. how many fans the movement got so far and India’s propoganda to create duplicate Kapilvastu,
6. current situation of Kapilvastu in Nepalese territory,
7. negligence of Government and Lumbini development trust towards the development of duplicate Kapilvastu
8. Kapilvastu, about worldwide textbooks that describes the Buddha to be an indian, and
9. what should be done to solve all these problems now by government level and public level.

And the answers to the questions raised by the listeners about Kapilvastu.

The interview was in Nepal Bhasa Language (Newari) as the program Lahana in Ujyalo 90 FM is a Nepal Bhasa program.

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